Using the city of Vienna as an example, the overall objective is to understand how urban food habits (share of meat and organic production, and origin of food) impact farm income and food costs and the ecological performance of food production and distribution.
These insights will be used to initiate a societal learning process and to co-develop scenarios and pathways for possible future transitions towards a more sustainable UAFS of Vienna.
The subobjectives of “Future of Urban Food” are:
- Deeper understanding of the Viennese Urban Agrofood System (structures, driving factors, bio-physical foundations, agronomic conditions)
- Identification of main ecological and economic impacts and the societal acceptance of different food habits
- Analysis of past transitions and the current situation of Viennese UAFS to identify and critically assess change potential
- Development of concrete Transition Pathways and connected policy recommendation
- Fostering societal discourse and social learning